Group photo of the participants at the Servas Africa Conference 2024


The 2024 African regional meeting was held at Jumuia Beach Resort and Conference Center in Mombasa Kenya. The conference was attended by 64 members from 13 different countries. The countries are Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Egypt, USA, Britain, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Taiwan, South Korea and Croatia. This was a special meeting as it was graced by three members of Servas Executive Committee that is the SI President, Vice President and SI Peace Secretary.

The theme for the meeting was “A Peaceful World through Environmental Conservation”. Therefore, majority of the topics for this meeting was centred around environment and climate change and how we can achieve a peaceful and be hospitable world in a hospitable planet. As a result of that, we dedicated a day for planting trees and we planted 75 trees which also coincided with the 75th anniversary of Servas.

A number of Servas Kenyan members were lucky to host some of the guests in their houses before the conference.

On August 12, a special dinner was held at Pili Restaurant to celebrate Jerina’s birthday. The event was attended by Jerina, Clara with other Servas youths in Nairobi. The evening featured a delightful meal and an opportunity for guests to mingle and share their experiences.

Welcome of guests at Ibis Styles: On August 14, Dalton met Servas members from the United States, Mexico and Egypt at Ibis. This gathering provided a warm reception for the new arrivals and a night dance.

Exploration of Kenya’ Natural Beauty:

Several Servas guests chose to do a Safari and explore Kenya’s renowned national parks. The trips included visits to key parks known for their stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife including  the “Big Five of the jungle”. These excursions offered the guests an immersive experience in Kenya’s natural environment, showcasing the country’s rich biodiversity, picturesque scenery and wildlife heritage. They were lucky to witness the migration of the wildebeest which happens yearly as the wildebeests cross the border between Kenya and Tanzania in search of greener pastures.

On August 15, 2024, our hotel in Mombasa hosted a vibrant arrival event for our guests. The day was marked by a seamless check-in process and a culturally rich evening introduction ceremony designed to welcome our visitors and immerse them in the local Swahili culture. Guests began arriving at our hotel in the afternoon with most guests arriving using the midday train from Nairobi while others bus and air.

Welcoming Ceremony: The highlight of the evening was the introduction ceremony held in the hotel's main event space. The ceremony aimed to provide guests with an engaging and immersive experience of Swahili culture. The dancers, dressed in colorful traditional Swahili attire, offered warm welcomes and a popular Swahili refreshment of coconut water. Their performance showcased a variety of dance styles, each representing different aspects of Swahili heritage. The dancers demonstrated intricate footwork and expressive movements, highlighting the rich cultural tapestry of the Swahili community. Their performances were accompanied by traditional drumming and singing, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

Guests were encouraged to participate in some of the dance routines, allowing them to experience the joy and rhythm of Swahili culture firsthand.

Opening Remarks by Philip Olero

  • The ceremony began with a warm welcome from Philip Olero, the National Secretary of Kenya. In his opening remarks, Philip highlighted the importance of the conference in fostering collaboration and advancing the goals of the tourism sector. His speech was both inspiring and motivational, emphasizing the collective effort required to address the challenges and seize the opportunities within the industry.
  • Philip underscored the conference's role in bringing together experts, stakeholders, and policymakers to share insights and strategies for the growth and sustainability of tourism. His address was well-received, setting a positive tone for the sessions to follow.

Welcome Address by the CEO of the Kenya Coast Tourism Association

In his welcome address, Mr. Julius expressed his gratitude to the participants for their attendance and enthusiasm. The CEO highlighted the significance of the Coast Tourism Association in promoting and developing the region's tourism sector. He provided an overview of the association’s recent achievements and outlined its strategic vision for the future.

The CEO's speech was both informative and engaging, providing valuable context about the role of the association and its contributions to the local tourism landscape. His warm welcome and insightful remarks set a collaborative tone for the conference, encouraging attendees to actively participate and share their expertise.

On August 16th, we started off with an introduction ceremony. During the event, Salomon introduced Radha, the Servas President, who then provided an overview of Servas International and its core values of peace. He introduced members of the EXCO who were present and also took us through the leadership structure of Servas. He reminded the conference attendees of the Servas principles and values that is; dignity and worth for every human, equal rights for all humans and respect and care for the environment.

Philip later introduced the members of Servas Kenya with their leadership team and welcomed all the members to the conference once again.

Philip Olero, Servas Kenya National Secretary

A session on Servas Peacebuilders was presented by Servas International Peace Secretary Salomon Luna. He enlightened us on how to actively promote peace in the world as Servas members and to make the world a better place.

Francisco Salomón Luna A., Servas International Peace Secretary

We then had a session on Alternatives to violence by Joanne.

An interactive session was held focusing on conflict resolution techniques and strategies. Participants engaged in role-playing exercises and group discussions to develop practical skills for addressing and resolving conflicts. The session aimed to enhance participants' ability to handle disputes constructively and foster peaceful dialogue within their communities.

Joanne Fergusson, US Servas

Clara Paillard delivered a comprehensive presentation on Climate change, focusing on its complex dynamics and the urgent need for action. The presentation covered key aspects including:

  • The science behind climate change, including greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on global temperatures.
  • Current and projected effects of climate change on weather patterns, sea levels, and biodiversity.
  • The role of human activities in accelerating climate change and the necessity for sustainable practices.
  • Case studies highlighting successful mitigation strategies and innovative solutions being implemented worldwide.

Clara emphasized the importance of collective global efforts in addressing climate change and encouraged the audience to engage in both local and international initiatives to combat this pressing issue.

Clara Paillard, Servas Britain & Ireland

Country presentation from Taiwan

  • Servas Taiwan exchange programs with Servas Korea which involves the young people in Taiwan going to South Korea to learn Korean culture and language. And this has attracted many youths in Taiwan to participate in exchange programs.
  • Innovative technologies and advancements in Taiwan’s industries, particularly in technology and green energy.
Servas Taiwan country presentation

On August 18, 2024, a diverse and engaging series of events took place, focusing on youth development, gender empowerment, conflict resolution, and cultural exchange. The day was characterized by active participation from representatives across East Africa, insightful presentations, and vibrant cultural performances.

Servas Youth Interactive Session

The morning session provided a platform for youth from Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania to voice their views on the future growth of Servas Youth. The discussions were productive and insightful, emphasizing the need for increased collaboration, resource sharing, and innovative approaches to engage and support young people within the Servas network. Key recommendations included enhancing communication channels, organizing joint events, and leveraging digital platforms to connect youth across borders and youths being urged to actively volunteer in their areas of expertise and skills.

Development strategy for Servas Africa

This was an open discussion moderated by national secretaries or representatives from various Servas African countries present. During this session we came up with ideas on how to make Servas active in Africa.

For instance, Maggie from Uganda suggested that Servas member groups in Africa should prioritize participating in local activities and events that promote peace. This will help boost membership and presence of Servas in Africa.

Dalton from Kenya suggested that Servas in Africa should consider recruiting members who are resource to their groups. People who can host, contribute towards local activities and can also use their skills to volunteer towards Servas.

Fidele from Rwanda emphasized on recruiting members with good understanding of Servas values and principles.

Jojo from Taiwan suggested that Servas Africa in general with its member groups should establish their presence online. For example writing articles about Servas in Africa or creating youtube videos. This will help people outside Africa an insight of what is going on in Servas Africa and how to participate.

Role of Servas in Breaking Prejudices

This topic was presented by Claudina Machado, Servas Portugal. She emphasized that a lot of prejudice and bias still exist in the world we live in today. And therefore, as Servas which is a group of people with different backgrounds, cultures and statuses, it is important that we actively break the prejudices that could exist from within by teaming up as equals and collaborating towards a common goal. And also as a group that provides a platform for hospitality and cultural exchange, Servas is playing a key role in breaking prejudices.

Claudina Machado, Servas Portugal

Presentation on Wangari Maathai

Carla Kristensen, SI Vice President, presented on Wangari Maathai, the renowned Kenyan environmental and political activist. The presentation included a detailed overview of Maathai’s contributions to environmental conservation and women’s rights. Following the presentation, a compelling video was shown, which captivated the audience and provided a vivid portrayal of Maathai’s impactful work.

The video and presentation received positive feedback for their inspirational and educational value.

You can watch the video Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai here: version 2

Servas executive committee members who were present took us through the new website. Salomón did an introduction to the new website. Radha did a step by step demonstration on how to log in, update profile, apply for stamps, search for hosts and add members to households among others. Carla took us through the public pages of the website, such as the Events page, how to get news about Servas in the website, how to find out about different activities run by Servas members around the world, the Servas at the United Nations page and many other things we could access in the website.

The members were impressed by the improvements the Technology team has done towards improving the new website.

Servas women and CSW

Paige delivered a comprehensive presentation on the theme of women’s rights and empowerment. The presentation highlighted key challenges and opportunities for women, underscoring the importance of education, mentorship, and supportive networks in fostering their advancement. The session sparked meaningful dialogue about strategies to promote gender equality and empower women within various communities.

Paige Lacombe, US Servas and SI at the UNCSW coordinator

Fidele also did a presentation of what he with RWAMREC Rwanda is doing by educating men on the need of having a peaceful coexistence with women. And this has led to a significant drop in cases of domestic violence directed towards women in Rwanda.

Group photos and Cultural Performances

In the evening, we had a group photo as some members were planning to leave the conference center quite earlier. The day’s events concluded with energetic dance performances, which provided a celebratory end to a day of learning and interaction.

Group photo of the participants at the Servas Africa Conference 2024

Report on the City Tour and Activities – August 19, 2024

On August 19, 2024, our group embarked on a memorable city tour that combined cultural exploration, environmental stewardship, and a formal closing ceremony. The day was rich with activities designed to provide an immersive experience of the city's heritage and community spirit.

Itinerary Overview

1. Visit to the Indian Temple: Our day commenced with a visit to a local Indian temple, renowned for its intricate architecture and serene ambiance. The temple offered us a glimpse into the spiritual and cultural traditions of the Indian community within the city. Participants were particularly impressed by the temple's vibrant artwork and the peaceful environment that contrasted with the city's hustle and bustle.

2. Exploration of the City: Following our temple visit, we proceeded to explore the city itself. This portion of the tour provided insights into the urban landscape, historical landmarks, and contemporary life in the city. Guided by a knowledgeable local guide, we observed various points of interest and learned about the city’s development and cultural evolution.

3. Fort Jesus Visit: The highlight of our historical exploration was a visit to Fort Jesus, a renowned cultural and historical site. Fort Jesus, with its well-preserved architecture and informative exhibits, offered us a deep understanding of the region's colonial past and its strategic significance. Participants engaged with the exhibits and learned about the fort’s role in the region’s history.

4. Tree Planting at Bamburi: Post-lunch, we traveled to Bamburi for a tree-planting activity. This initiative aimed at contributing positively to the environment and fostering community involvement. Participants enthusiastically took part in planting trees, which will contribute to local ecological efforts and green spaces in the area.

5. Closing Ceremony: The day concluded with a formal closing ceremony. The event was finalized by Radha Radhakrishna, Servas International President, who delivered a heartfelt speech summarizing the day’s experiences and acknowledging the contributions of all participants. He also recognized the Servas Kenya team that organized the conference in Kenya and all the volunteers who participated including Sayan Roy a youth from Servas India who came up with a wonderful design for use as our conference logo and for T-shirts. The ceremony provided a fitting end to an engaging and impactful day.

Event Overview: The recent event organized by Servas Kenya encompassed a series of engaging activities aimed at fostering community spirit, raising funds, and promoting environmental stewardship. The day's schedule included an auction, evening boat rides, and a beach cleaning initiative.

Auction: Various items and souvenirs were up for bid, contributed by Servas members and local items brought by Servas Kenya. The auction was a lively affair, with enthusiastic participation from attendees. Proceeds from the auction will be directly channeled into community projects and initiatives, strengthening the Servas network’s impact in Kenya.

Boat Riding: In the evening, participants enjoyed a serene boat riding experience. The boat rides provided a relaxing opportunity for community members to unwind, engage in informal conversations, and appreciate the natural beauty of the surroundings. The calm waters and picturesque views created a pleasant atmosphere, contributing to the overall enjoyment and camaraderie among attendees.

Beach Cleaning: A significant portion of the day was dedicated to environmental conservation, specifically through a beach cleaning activity. Volunteers from the community came together to collect litter and debris from the beach, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. The beach cleaning effort was not only an opportunity to give back to nature but also served as a powerful reminder of the importance of environmental responsibility.

On August 20, being the last day for as at Jumuia. Members left the conference center starting in the morning and undertook a series of diverse activities, with members engaging in various experiences across different locations while others traveling back home.

Peace School Event in Uganda: A dedicated group of members traveled to Uganda to participate in the Peace School event. The primary focus of this event was to foster dialogue, understanding, and collaborative initiatives aimed at promoting peace. The sessions included workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with local and international peace advocates. The feedback from participants indicated a successful and enriching experience, providing valuable insights and connections that will benefit ongoing and future peace-building efforts.

African Tour: Some members from different continents used the chance they had to visit several neighboring countries in East Africa. This extended their African tour and gave them a memorable moment.

Return to Nairobi and Other Destinations: Several members opted to travel back to Nairobi. Upon their return, they engaged in local activities and meetings, ensuring continuity in their ongoing projects and commitments. Additionally, some members ventured to other parts of the country, seeking diverse experiences and contributing to regional initiatives. These travels not only broadened their perspectives but also facilitated the exchange of ideas and practices across different locales. Other members enroute to Uganda stopped by at Ugunja at a Servas member’s house (Lilian) for a break before proceeding with their long journey.

Vote of thanks;

Servas Kenya gives special thanks all the following for the roles they played towards the success of this meeting:

  1. Volunteers who participated towards the success of this conference.
  2. The Servas international leadership for providing guidance during the planning and during the conference.
  3. The presenters who came up with topics for discussion and took their time to prepare presentations.
  4. Servas international development committee for providing a grant to sponsor the participation of youths in the conference.
  5. Those who donated towards the meeting.
  6. Members who availed items for auction to help Servas Kenya raise funds to sponsor local activities.

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